Saturday, December 31, 2016

Depending on The most High above everything

Image result for out of order 
What is your source? Of energy? Of peace? Of joy? Is it food, family or friends? Is it your job, vacations, or abilities? If it is any of these things your life is OUT OF ORDER. Like a toilet that just won't flush and has become backed up with Disgusting mess.   You wonder why life feels so awful and hard? You wonder why things just keep going wrong? You wonder why You feel stuck?? You are looking to things of this earth to fulfill and strengthen you.

Think of this.... the last day off you had where was your focus?? Getting more things done?  Cleaning or resting? Movies, food, or family?  We are in this society of work to survive and always doing, so when you finally get a break, what do you want to spend your time on??

Image result for prayer and scriptureIf your answer is anything other then The Most High and learning, praying, and becoming renewed and refreshed through Him, prepare for your life to get clogged.  I was reflecting on a friend of mine and her schedule.  At the end of her work week , literally a half hour after her last shift she has prayer at her house. Every week she has agreed to open up her house, her life to prayer. What a powerful way to start your time off. Joining with others of the Faith to seek The Father in prayer.  What a testimony to  seeking Him first.

Image result for plate spinning If your anything like me though you never know when your next break will be. So your always busy, always pushing, always working towards some free time. That is when you must focus even more commitment and energy towards study and prayer.  It must become a daily ritual. To take every free moment to focus on the lessons and scriptural application of every activity in your life. Driving- The path your are it taking you where you want to go? Psalms 16:11 | Exercising- Pushing through hard things and continuing on even when you don't feel like it.2 Timothy 2:3 Food and drinks- Gaining fuel to press forward. Deuteronomy 8:3 To look for new scriptures and precepts. To pray in every quiet moment.  To keep the spirit moving in your life and things flowing according to the Fathers will.

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Psalms 37:23“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.” 


Romans 8:28“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Friday, December 30, 2016

Love Endures all things

Image result for love + endurance2 Timothy 2:3“Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Yashaya Christ.”

It is a requirement not an option. Did you want to make it past this crumbling life? If you love Him........ Do you know about Love?

Consider what has been endured for you!

Hebrews 12:3“For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.” 

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2 Timothy 4:5“But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.” 

  When we endure the hardships that life brings and that The Most High uses to wear us down and then strengthen us;there are blessings that will follow. Even waiting on the relief or reward for enduring is at times a strengthening of your endurance capabilities. Any mother who has endured pregnancy; the waiting,anticipation, discomfort at the end as your body prepares for delivery; labor, and child rearing has a good understanding of endurance. There have been many days in my life where it was only the love I carried in my heart for my child that carried me through. It's love like that that The Most High wants us to have in our hearts for him and that he uses to show us the power of His love for his children. There is a love that once you have it in your heart it becomes unshakable and your devotion is unquestionable. (1 Cor 15:58) That is not to say that it won't be tested, but that even when tried it cannot be shaken. Do you have that kind of love and devotion planted in your heart?  If not, why? The Father has promised in his word that those who love him, keep His commandments, and seek him early shall receive the promises contained in his manuscript. (Proverbs 8:17-21, John 14:15,Zephaniah 2:3) If you feel like you are not walking in the fullness of His power and protection, you need to ask what it is that you are doing incorrectly. After all you must remember that you were born into a fallen world full of deceit and corruption. So even when you are walking uprightly and following instruction, Know that there is always more revelation knowledge to be had. Until we have received that incorruptible, unshakeable,  kingdom that is coming, There IS more to learn. (Heb 12:27-28) When you are willing to look into your mindsets, views, beliefs,  and opinions and question why do I believe or think this? Then you will be on the path to unlocking new revelation and freedom.  The Most High has so much to teach his children.  We must endure the daily struggle and afflictions in order to gain this knowledge and freedom. With Christ you can do it!!! (Phill 4:13) All things are possible for those who believe! (Mark 9:23) Be encouraged and know when you are weak He is strong.(2 Cor 12:9-11)  Lean on Him, rest in Him, Focus on Him!!

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James 1:12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
James 5:11 Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy. 


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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Order is Abbas’ Order

The Definition of Order:  the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.   It is an authoritative command, direction, or instruction.  The following lists of words are synonyms or words that are similar to the word order:  sequence, arrangement, organization, disposition, system, series, succession, command, instruction, directive, direction, decree, edict, injunction, mandate, dictate, commandment, rescript.  

Out of all of the words mentioned “COMMANDMENT” struck me the most.  I found it ironic that its form was mentioned twice; but when it was mentioned just before the last word of the listing it had authority that none of the others had.  I also found that its place is in the exact same position it falls in many people’s lives today.   These very same people will complain day in and day out about how the problems that come their way are not fair, without even considering that they are not in the Most High’s order.  Furthermore they would rather use the last word rescript to receive this order by human; rather than the ordered law of our love letter.  In the Cannon 59-1 A rescript is an administrative act issued in writing by competent executive authority; of its very nature, a rescript grants a privilege, dispensation, or other favor at someone’s request. This is seen as normal for so many because this think is what is taught today, no accountability.  It is done to cause chaos (confession) which is the exact opposite of order (peace).  By sowing discord these same people never heed instruction and they can have someone to blame for failing to keep the commandments given by the Most High.   His order is of so much importance the word can be found in 1402 occurrences in the bible; this highlights that His ORDER for those that want to be found as His righteous requires living as required of Him. 

When you understand that the Ancient of Days is the Creator of all things then you appreciate His detail and completeness in how His order comes forth.  In the bible Genesis 1:1-24 speaks to this order as does the Book of Enoch in chapter 79.  You can see that all He created moves as He ordains; so IF you claim to be His do you???  When you are His you will truly understand that the Most High is not the author of confusion and His order will not grieve you.  It is very easy to become complacent when we let loose of the reins; but we have to ever mindful in doing so, so that this is not habitual thing.  Observe everything around you and know that if there is no resemblance of order than it is not of Abba.  Understand that His order is above anything that you can imagine and that anything that He does is in order.  When we ask Abba to be made new in His image you will be given a unique opportunity.  In this agreement you are submitting so He can touch you with His peace and the stability of this order.  The beauty of this is that you can now move in this order; which is needed to come to terms of why you were allowed to be here.  When you are here walking on this proving ground for Him you can move in order (instruction) as it is written and stand in Him come what my. 

As a redeemed child we are given the bible as an instruction manual on how to live in our Fathers given in Psalms 119:133.   When you have repented and are learning the fullness of Who He is you will stumble; but IF you want Him you will dust yourself off and resolve not to let go of Him.  When you ask to become made new in Him one of the best things Abba gives is His new and ordered mind to move in Him.   This I done so you are connected to Him so that your relationship can be whole.  You will be open to putting all your faith and trust into to Him by seeking to keep His instruction????  Your thoughts are of Him alone so that your mind and heart become ordered in His ways.

Know that the lack of adhering to Father  order caused the fall in Eden and this very thing still has many in its grip you will understand that order is no small thing.  Know that in these days we are still given a choice to serve the
Most High and that being His alone matters.  In our study we know that order (instruction) is throughout scripture, but reading it is not enough we are to move in it as instructed in 1 Corinthians 14:40 that says, “Let all things be done decently and in order”.  The context is about order in the church regarding speaking in tongues and prophesying, but if you see that it says “all things” then you move there by.  Know that even in this scripture you can see both the physical and spiritual importance of His word.  That we are to be in His order as His body mindful of actions in “all things” walking as required as Abba has set forth.  IF you are His then all aspects of your walk will speak to whose you are, meditate on His order.  Take the opportunity while it is available to do some self searching.  Who will you belong to when the old things of this world go away???