Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Fervent Faith

In reading Daniel 3, and its continuation in The Song of the Three Holy Children (in the Apocrypha), our Creator and Father’s character is fully displayed – righteous judgment and mercy!  Included in this story are profound truths of deliverance and redemption for us even today IN THE VERY MIDST of our own fires of tribulation and trial.  May we remember and display this same fervent faith!
1)       Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego praised and blessed the Most High IN THE MIDST of the fire. (Song of Three Holy Children 1:1)
2)      They acknowledged His righteous judgment for the people’s disobedience to His commandments IN THE MIDST of the fire. (SOTHC 1:8)
NOTE:  They did not just confess their own sins but the sins of the people as a whole.  This also includes the sins of the forefathers before them.
3)      They asked the Most High to remember His covenant with them and not wholly deliver them up, for His name’s sake, IN THE MIDST of the fire. (SOTHC 1:11)
4)      They offered up humble and contrite hearts of repentance instead of a sacrifice (they had no way to access an acceptable Levitical sacrifice) IN THE MIDST of the fire.  (SOTHC 1:15-16)
5)      They claimed that those who put their trust in the Most High will not be confounded IN THE MIDST of the fire. (SOTHC 1:17)
6)      They committed themselves to follow the Most High with their hearts, fear Him, and seek His face IN THE MIDST of the fire. (SOTHC 1:18)
7)      They requested the merciful deliverance of the Most High according to His wonderful lovingkindness and marvelous works – and to give glory to His name – IN THE MIDST of the fire. (SOTHC 19-20)
8)      They requested that He confound their enemies and show them that HE is the Most High and glorious over all the earth IN THE MIDST of the fire. (SOTHC 1:21-22)
9)      Then the Angel of the Most High came down and joined them IN THE MIDST of the fire and smote the flames and made it as if THE MIDST of the furnace was a moist whistling wind, and the fire did not touch them or hurt them or trouble them. (SOTHC 1:26-27)
10)   Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego continued to praise and bless and glorify the Most High IN THE MIDST of the quenched furnace. (SOTHC 1:28-68)

Glory, honor, and praise be to our mighty God, King, and Savior!!

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