![Image result for mercy](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQLoVkr2jqfzHHRcBaW-RTykw_saa-mId0HnplVeD8dnmGho2QGlA)
Are you ready for the judgement??? When you stand before The Father will play back every judgement you have pronounced against another.
Matthew 7:2“For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”
Luke 6:36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.37Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:”
Then the idle words you have spoken.
Matthew 12:36“But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.”
Matthew 5:37 - But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.
Then the unrepented sin you have committed.
1 Timothy 5:24“Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.”
Hebrews 10:26“For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,”
1 John 1:8 - If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
1 John 1:10 - If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
He will have the book of the law, and the book of remembrance open before him. What will his judgement be??
Revelation 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
Daniel 7:10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.
1 Cor says above all else love will remain. Do you truly love the way the Most High loves? The merciful will receive mercy. With what judgement you judge you shall be judged. Do you think yourself above others? The last shall be first. Do you believe you deserve more then the person who hasn't experienced the love and forgiveness offered by Christ's sacrifice?
The Most High created each person for a purpose. What is yours? To judge another's? Or to allow the love of The Most High to be shed abroad in your heart and shown to the world. Do you offer correction in the vain of love, with the scriptures as your guide or in judgement already assuming that a change will not made??
So the next time you see another struggling offer mercy instead of judgment that The Most High might offer mercy to you.